Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up

This weekend we had our very last swim class at the YMCA.  We have had so much fun going there every Saturday morning and Ryder has gotten more and more comfortable in the water each week.  The first week he had the death grip on me for most of the class, but by the last class he was floating around on his stomach with me just having my hands stretched out under him, he would sit on the side of the pool and let me pull him in by his hands, and he even went under the water one time!  So the fact that he still likes the water and isn’t completely traumatized is wonderful!

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After swim class it was time to go home and get cleaned up for a wedding.  My boys clean up so nice…unfortunately I only snapped one picture during the wedding!

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It was a long day & night, Ryder was delirious by the time we got home!

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Now today we’re just soaking up our last bit of time together before I leave to go on travel for work in the morning :(  I’ll be gone Monday – Thursday, but don’t worry I’ve got some cute videos set to post so that everyone (besides me!) can get their Ryder fix.