Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh How I Missed You

Your sweet little feet

13 Months 184

And your sweet little cheeks

13 Months 187

Both sets

13 Months 190

Your adorable curls

13 Months 192

and your tough black eye…waitwhat?!  Oh, you got in a fight with your mailbox toy while I was away?  And the mailbox won?  You’ll get him next time buddy!

13 Months 198

It feels so good to be back home with my boys!  I feel like Ryder looks a year older, has hair that is 3 inches longer, and is atleast 3 inches taller…all in 4 days!

Tomorrow Me & Ryder are heading on a road trip with Nicki & Mikayla down to NC to visit Emily & Liz and their little ones, can’t wait!!


  1. I bet you missed him! See you tomorrow. We are very thrilled for your visit! Tell Ryder the whole milk is waiting!

  2. Reunited... and it feels so good! Have fun on your trip! Give Em and the babies a big hug from me!!

  3. Awe! So cool. I hope you ladies have so much fun!!

  4. AW, I know he must've been so HAPPY to see you when you got home :) I hope you guys have a good trip & I'll see you on Sunday ♥

  5. I know you're sooo glad to be home! See you in a few hours...road trip here we come! :)
