Monday, May 31, 2010

Action Packed

Saturday was a busy day for us, probably a little too much action for Ryder, but he hung in as long as he could!  First, we went to Kamrie’s birthday party which was SO fun! 

Ryder spent lots of time playing in the rocks, his favorite thing to do lately:

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He ate lots of yummy watermelon:

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Then he stripped down to go play on the slip & slide.  He kept bending over to drink the puddles of water, silly boy:

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Sonia came to join in on the fun, so you know he was all over that :)

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Carter came by and we gave him his Birthday presents.

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(By the way, this was just the party from Ryder’s eyes…there was so much to do, a piñata, watermelon eating contest, water balloon toss, presents, cake…Jamie knows how to throw a fun party!)  After all that action, we drove around so that Ryder could take a nap and rest up for the next part of the day.  We went to Nick & Lindsay’s to watch the UFC fight, and his main squeeze Mikayla was going to be there so I knew he would need a second wind.  They were excited to see each other, and be bad together, and play (or whatever you call what they do).  At one point Mikayla was cleaning Ryder with baby wipes, Ryder kept pinching her and laughing, and they always have these “special moves” they put on each other…

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The kids were up WAY past their bedtimes and were acting completely delirious.  At one point Mikayla was crying so Nicki took her back into Madalynn’s room to try to rock her to sleep.  Ryder was so brave that he started crawling down the dark scary hallway to go check on her!  Now that is love <3

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Nicki was able to get Mikayla to sleep…me, not so much!  We ended up leaving right before the main event because Ryder just wasn’t dealing with being up so late.  He kept pointing at the big screening saying “movie?? movie??” He wanted his Praise Baby on and I don’t think everyone watching the fight would have appreciated that.

So that was Ryder’s action packed day, probably a little too much, but everyone needs a little action sometimes :)


  1. Anytime you have to catch a nap in the car not the crib makes for a busy day. It looked like so much fun though and thats so great he crawled down the hallway! Love makes you brave!

  2. I love the pictures of them together - they're little "relationship" is so sweet :) :)

  3. He was such a trooper Bran! I loved hearing him ask for his movie... oh yeah and his golf cart LOL.

  4. I am so glad Rashad won!! I won money on that one. Looks like a great Saturday!!!

  5. It was good hanging out with you guys this weekend!! I love Ryder's pony tail ;) haha its adorable! And that picture of Carter's chocolate face is too funny! Love you guys!
