Monday, May 24, 2010

14 Months!

…and 5 days…oops

14 Months 002I can’t believe it has been 2 months since Ryder’s first Birthday…but as always, the months are flying by!  This month has been HUGE for Ryder in developing his motor skills.  He is moving around so fast now, pulling up on everything, and has even started crawling on his hands and knees.  Another area he continues to really develop in is his speech and communication!  He says something new every day and always keeps us laughing.

Here’s what’s going on at 14 months:

  • Ryder weighs just over 19 pounds and is in 12 month clothes.
  • He is a great eater and we haven’t found many foods that he doesn’t like.  The only foods we don’t allow him to eat yet are strawberries, honey, peanut butter, and fish.  His favorite food right now is pineapples, green beans, and freeze pops!
  • His vocabulary continues to grow.  Some new words he is saying now are pop, dirt, sky, grass, girl, go, bath, towel, done, mouth, baby, and no.
  • We have broken him of a horrible habit of throwing his food when he’s done eating, he now says DONE and we immediately let him get down to avoid flying leftovers.
  • Ryder had to be disciplined for the first time this month and we are quickly realizing that it won’t be the last!  He’s a very good boy, but he has a mischievous streak to him that needs to be kept under control.
  • He is cruising around furniture like a pro now, and can be found crawling on his hands and knees more frequently.
  • He has some quirky little fears going on right now, like a fear of the playground, hallways, and vacuums.  Hopefully this is just a phase.
  • He is very into anatomy and can point out his teeth, hair, belly button, and toes.  He touches his whole face when you ask about eyes, nose, and mouth, atleast he has the location right!
  • His favorite things right now are watching his Praise Baby movie before bedtime, reading books, and playing in his pool outside.

14 Months 003 We’re going to Children’s Hospital tomorrow for Ryder’s evaluation.  We’re very anxious to see how he does and how much therapy they feel that he’s going to need moving forward. 

Here’s to another month of fun :-)


  1. Ok, so I think that color blue is definitely his color! He looks absolutely adorable! Good luck tomorrow...let me know how it goes! :)

  2. Hope everything goes good tomorrow! He's getting so big!

  3. I miss him :( Good Luck tomorrow but you and Alan will make it work no matter what! Im crossing my fingers for the playground quirk to be over soon too! I didnt realize it was a hallway thing, I thought he just didnt want to follow the terrorizing Bradley, ha!

  4. Oh my, he is SO handsome in that outfit! He looks like a little surfer dude :) haha! Good Luck tomorrow & call me when you get a chance!! XO

  5. I love that colr blue on him too! Good luck.
