Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Talking to a 13 Month Old

The first few days that Ryder was at home, I remember going through every little step in my head “okay, I’m going to change his diaper….now I’m going to feed him….now I’ll rock him and put him back to sleep” until one day it clicked that it was okay to say these things out loud.  It felt so weird at first, like I was having a conversation with myself, only I had these two little eyes fixed on my lips pretending to understand every word that was coming out of them.  And so began my year long, endless, one-sided conversation.  I talk to Ryder about everything!  I feel like I never stop talking, telling him everything we’re doing, naming things for him, explaining how things work, etc.  Which leads me to some of the ridiculous things that have come out of my mouth recently.  Sometimes I will say something and then stop and laugh at myself, did you really just say that?! 

“Cookies aren’t magnetic baby, no matter how many times you try to stick it up there, it’s not going to stay”

“I’m sorry but people don’t ride golf carts at 5:30 in the morning”

“Please don’t eat the duster…I promise you it is NOT your Elmo doll!”

“Thanks Ryder, I love it when you pee on my shirt”

“I realize why you’re getting confused, but I assure you, that is a picture of Jesus, NOT your Da-da!” (this one deserves a visual):

13 Months 12413 Months 123 

And now that he likes to repeat things, there is interestingly a second side to some conversations, and it can be dangerous:

Me: “Crap”

Ryder: “cra, cra, cra”

Me: “Oh crap, please don’t say….crap

Ryder: “cra, cra, cra, cra, cra”

Come onnnnn think of another word Brandy “Ball, can you say Ball?”

Ryder: “Baaaa?!”  shewwww.

If these are the things coming out of my mouth now, I can only imagine how entertaining it will get when he learns the words “but why mommy?” Stay tuned!


  1. LOl- thanks for the visual. If he were in a white robe and sandals- oh my, Ryder would be very confused! You are hilarious, you cant ruin that boy!

  2. hahaha...that was hilarious!!! Trust me, the conversations only get more interesting! :)

  3. I LOVE the visual! That just made my day! Did Alan see that yet? lol. That's so funny that you say those things and he repeats it - it only gets worse! lol. PS - I can hear you saying everything in this post ;)
