Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Therapy Eval

The evaluation went well today.  The only downfall was that they only evaluated him for Occupational Therapy, I thought they would be evaluating him for ALL types of therapy, but I was wrong.  So, they want to start him on OT twice a week, and they have set him up for a Physical Therapy evaluation in 2 weeks.  At that time I’m sure we’ll be adding PT into the formula, plus he will still see his regular therapist once a week at our house. 

The reason we are on a Therapy overload right now is that our insurance company is only approving for Ryder to get 90 days of therapy, per condition, per lifetime.  So what that means is that since he had a stroke he has 90 days starting today to receive any therapy to get better.  The Neurologist recommends therapy until he starts school, but the insurance only approves 90 days…So unfair, but absolutely nothing I can do about it!   This means that if a year from now, we start seeing new side effects from the stroke, like in his speech, we would not be approved for speech therapy because he has already used up his 90 days for this condition.  If they are only going to give us 90 days from today, we all feel strongly that we should approach his recovery aggressively and do as much as we can now.  I don’t know how effective it will be for long term results, but we’re willing to try anything to give him the best chance.  We already have a Plan B in the works, but we’ll just have that on the backburner and see where he stands with his recovery after the 90 days are over.

For now, we’ll be putting our faith and trust in God to work this situation out according to His will.  Oh, and making lots of trips to Richmond!


  1. what would we do without insurance but it is VERY UNFAIR and CRUEL. We will be praying for a great and successful 90 days! You can do it Ryder...keep up all that crawling!

  2. That still makes me sooo mad - the insurance issue. I have faith that Ryder will be A-OKAY though! There's a reason only 90 days worth will be given, I think and I hope. Keep up the good work, Ryder :)
