Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ten Months Old!!

10 Months

I can’t believe Ryder is TEN months old today!   That means he has lived here with us longer than I was pregnant with him…which to me, it seems like I was just pregnant with him a month ago!  But no, it has been ten whole months, ten amazing months.  Here is this little 10 month old in action (because you know there is no sitting still for photos anymore…even when Mommy really needs them for the 10 month post!)10 Months 00910 Months 01210 Months 01410 Months 03410 Months 01510 Months 02010 Months 027 As you can see, Ryder is very busy…here’s what he’s up to these days:

  • He weighs about 17 pounds, wears size 3 diapers and 6-9 month clothes.
  • He’s very mobile and very fast, he knows what he wants and heads straight for it, he thinks its hilarious if he crawls into a room and “finds” you.
  • He rarely eats jarred baby food anymore, he’s mostly on finger foods that he can feed himself, and soft “people” food. He eats 3 meals and 3 bottles a day.
  • He has his 2 bottom teeth that he enjoys having brushed every night, and we can see the top two getting ready to emerge any time now.
  • This was the first month of his life that he didn’t have to take an antibiotic for his kidneys!!  He’s still on Zantac for reflux.
  • He’s starting to understand what Mama & Dada mean now and is beginning to call us by name.  He’s very vocal, constantly chatting away, and has added Na-Na and Ba-Ba to his vocabulary.  We even notice him repeating consonants that he hears us say! 
  • His favorite toys to play with are his cars and trucks, he immediately starts “vrooooming” as soon as he sees or grabs one.
  • He has started to point at things he sees that interest him, and is opening & closing his hand to say Hi & Bye (brand new development…this deserves its own post…stay tuned when I can get some footage!)
  • He understands what NO means and it hurts his feelings when we have to use it.  He mostly gets told No for grabbing our faces, it hurts and it’s mean…trying hard to break him of that.
  • He sleeps from 7pm – 7am and there is a bear in his crib that plays ocean sounds that we turn on when we lay him down.  It puts him right to sleep, Daddy too, he gets in bed so that he can listen to it over the monitor!
  • Ryder spends most of his time crawling around, playing with toys, talking, and laughing.  He’s still very silly and loves anything that makes him laugh.  He loves music and dances when his toys sing.

The list gets longer each month!  It’s so neat to watch him learn and pick up all these new things.  This month has been especially fun because he’s so mobile and active and I like watching him make choices about where he wants to go and what he wants to do. 

10 Months 031

         Happy 10 months you little wild child!!


  1. Awwww, HAPPY 10 MONTHS RYDER :)

  2. I LOVE the striped baby legs!! :)

  3. I love his wild hair! He's so cool!

  4. WOW, ten months already?!!!! Time sure has flown by... happy ten months little guy =)

  5. I LOVE those little leg warmers!!! I want a pair for Carter hahaha! TOO CUTE! Gosh, he is just growing up so fast, changing so much :) love him!
