Thursday, January 21, 2010

Movin’ On Up

Ryder has officially moved UP to the big bathtub!

9 months 1259 months 127 

He has moved UP to the big boy carseat (no more infant carrier!)

  10 Months 04610 Months 047

He has moved UP to the Toddler meals (no more baby food!)                           10 Months 006 10 Months 005

And he has even figured out how to go UP (and down) the stair at Aunt Vicki’s!  This is a great exercise for him, and we’re all so proud considering the Therapists said that it would be months before he would be strong enough to climb stairs!

You go Ryder, keep on moving UP and FORWARD and don’t let anything stop you!  We’ll all be here cheering you on along the way :-)


  1. Aw, yay Ryder!! He looks so happy in his new carseat :)

  2. Awwww, YAY FOR RYDER!!!! He is growing so big, so fast. Good for him!

  3. All of that is so awesome!!! He's growing into be quite the young stud!! Its crazy how time just flies before you know it. Ya'll are doing a great job as parents raising that little blessing :)

  4. wow, he is really getting around :) that video is SO cute haha!!! He looks like he is using both arms and legs really well too!!!! xoxo

  5. He is doing so well.. moving ALL around! :)
