Tuesday, January 26, 2010


There’s something about the number 26, it seems to follow me around.  My initials BM on the phone are 2-6 (I know this because it was my pager code, ha! I can’t wait until Ryder gets older and reads this!   He’ll be like “Mom, you had a pager???” Yes Ryder, Mommy was alive before cell phones! GASP!), Ryder was born at 2:26, my extension at work is 226, my Birthday is 1/26…and today….

I’m 26!!!

That must mean that this year has great things in store for me :-)  It has already started wonderfully because I have the best gift ever here to share my Birthday with me!  Plus, I’ve been blessed with families who cook GREAT Birthday meals!  We had dinner with my family on Saturday and with Alan’s family on Monday…I’m spoiled, I’ll be the first to admit it.  AND I got just enough Birthday money to buy myself the Nintendo Wii and the Wii Fit!  (And I’m sure by the time Ryder reads this they will have come out with the Nintendo WiiTHOUSAND and he’ll be laughing at me getting excited over the very first Wii!)  So, as soon as I find somewhere that’s not sold out of the Wii Fit, I’m going to buy it!  I hope that happens soon before I start feeling guilty for spending money on myself.

I was so surprised today when this showed up at work for me: flowers With a note that read “Happy Birthday, Lots of Love, Ryder”!  So sweet…I’m so thankful that Ryder has such a sweet Daddy that would help him send flowers to me for my Birthday.

**Thanks to everyone for all the sweet Birthday wishes**


  1. Happy Birthday Brandy!!! Check Babies R Us for the Wii Fit. They always have them when I go in.

  2. Happy Birthday!! The flowers were so sweet! :)

  3. Happy Birthday and I always see Wii Fit at Babies "R" US too and you can always find a 20% off coupon if you search online!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA! Hope you had a great day!!

  5. I know I already told ya, but Happy Bday :) That was so sweet for Alan & Ryder to send you flowers!!

  6. Happy Birthday Brandy,hope you had a great day!!!

  7. Happy belated birthday! Hope it was a good one :)
