Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Day Filled With Friends

Today we ventured out to meet our friends from “blog world” for lunch!  One great thing that I’ve gained from creating this blog, is making all these new friends…we have so much in common and even though we haven’t known each other that long we’re definitely building lasting friendships :-)  Our random get togethers are always entertaining!

Ryder bouncing on Nicki’s lap   1-16 006

Owen being his handsome little self (well he’s not that little!)1-16 004

Ryder loved Mikayla, until he realized how much more attention he could get from Mikayla’s Nana, so he moved on real fast.  That got Mikayla’s attention…she didn’t want to share!1-16 002

Me & Jelena trying hard to get the boys to take a decent picture…3rd times a charm?!  Not with an 8 & 9 month old!     1-16 0091-16 0101-16 008

  1-16 012 1-16 013

The group…Me & Ryder, Angela (minus Carter), Mandi (minus Bailey), Jelena & Owen, Nicki & Mikayla, Jen & Ryan (minus Lance), and Elaine & Caleb.  And Mama Rison snapping pics :-)


After spending the day with new friends, Me & Ryder went to visit an old friend Kristen.  She’s not old, but our friendship is…15 years and counting!!  She has been the best friend to me for all these years and I’m so lucky to have her!  I’ve always felt like part of her family, so it was nice to get to visit and catch up with everyone.  And of course they enjoyed spending time with Ryder, and he ate up every bit of attention they had to give :)  1-16 011

I just have to add this…we were gone from 10:30 this morning until 7:30 tonight and Ryder did not fuss one time.  It was a busy day with lots of stops, random meal times, and sporadic naps, but he was such a trooper!  I love his personality and how he’s able to go with the flow, even when it’s so far off from his schedule. 

So, to end this friend post, I just want to say how much fun I had spending the day with new friends and old friends, with my favorite friend by my side the whole time! 


  1. I wish I had come!! Can't wait to see you and Ryder next month!

  2. Great pictures - see you again soon! :)

  3. Aw :*) what a great post.. it was so good seeing you guys. I wont let such a long time go by again without visiting. and of course, we all LOVED Ryder and talked about him forever after you guys left, lol. He's such a good boy! XOXOXO!
