Thursday, January 7, 2010

A little update and an exhale…

Ryder’s Pediatrician has talked to a Pediatric Neurologist about what is going on, and the Neurologist wants to see him and do an evaluation before sending him off for any scans or tests.  That appointment has been scheduled for February 16th.  I’m glad that they don’t feel it’s urgent enough to rush him in right away.  I’m happy that his Pediatrician is staying involved and walking me through all of this.  I think it’s great that the Neurologist wants to take the time to give his own opinion before running any tests that weren’t needed.  I really feel like Ryder is in good care with people who have his best interest in mind.  I love that we have some time to just put this little speed bump in the back of our minds and get back to normal life. 

Occupational Therapy starts on January 25th, so we should have about 3 sessions before his Neurology appointment.  Maybe he’ll make so much progress that it will rule out this whole brain theory. 

I feel like I can finally exhale…I’m not going to spend the next month worrying sick about the appointment and what will come after it, it’s in God’s hands now.  Instead I’m just going to enjoy this sweet little baby and soak in all the happiness he brings to our lives!



  1. Yah, that's great news! He is so happy!

  2. I love the "TEAM RYDER" shirt in the back ground! Don't worry yourself sick Momma, he will be perfectly fine!!! I know it!!! That is so nice and refreshing to you guys, I'm sure that all of the doctors are communicating and know exactly what's going on, he's in great hands it seems!!

  3. Oh good! Sounds like he has a great doctor. xo
