Friday, January 15, 2010

Running & Relaxing

Ryder was running from me tonight!  Well, not running from me…but trying to get away from me taking his picture.  I used to be able to lay him down on a blanket, then hover over him and snap away.  The end result being a successful photoshoot with tons of pictures to choose from.  That technique doesn’t work anymore.  9 months 1549 months 1559 months 156 9 months 157 9 months 158    9 months 159

He’s too busy for me now, he doesn’t have time to lay around having his picture taken, he’s got places to be…things to do…I get it.  But notice how he always turns back, making sure I’m still following him, and flashing the quickest smile.  Just enough to keep me chasing!

After all that running, it was time to kick back and relax.  He got his jammies on and kicked back to watch a little Praise Baby.   9 months 1689 months 166Moooommmmm!! 

Oops, he caught me snapping pictures!  Look at him relaxing with his arm behind his head!

Have I mentioned how much I love the Praise Baby DVD’s?!  I’m not real big into letting Ryder watch tv…but I love putting one of these DVD’s in so we can listen to the hymns (they have all the good ones!) and it gives me a chance to get his bedtime bottle and his medicines together.  We leave the DVD in and listen to the music while I rock him and give him his bottle.  It’s so relaxing and the perfect way to unwind from the day!


  1. I have the Praise Baby cd's but always wanted the dvd's! I'll definitely get them for our NEXT baby, ha!
