Friday, October 16, 2009

What Is Going On??!!

It is the 16th of October and this is only my 7th post of the month!  What is going on?  Well I don't have an excuse, besides the fact that work has been super busy, I've been spending all of my time in the evenings with my little one, and when he goes to bed, so do I...which has left no time for blogging (okay I guess I did have an excuse).  But, since you asked, I guess I'll fill you in on what has been going on!


Ahhhh, sleep...I almost let that word slip out of my vocabulary, but Ryder has so kindly allowed it back in!  I've been afraid to mention it on my blog (you know how that goes for me), but I am very happy to report that Ryder is in bed by 8:00 at night, I wake him up at 6:15 during the week, and on the weekends he sleeps until 7:00.  Do you hear what I'm saying?? 8 PM - 7 AM!!  He has been in this routine for over a month now so I think it's safe to write about it.  Hopefully he won't make me eat my words this weekend!  He really sleeps so well.  I rarely hear a peep out of him through the night, just a few sighs here and there.  The only bad thing is that he scoots himself all the way up to the top of the crib and I can hear him bumping his head over the monitor, so I jump out of bed, run in his room, slide him back to the middle, then I get back to bed.  That happens about two times a night, so I'm still waking up, but I can deal with that.  I took the bumpers off and am really considering putting them back on to help with this problem.  He also takes 2 naps during the day, 1 in the morning for 2 hours, and one in the afternoon for 2 hours. 


Ryder has eaten all of the Stage 1 foods (even prunes!) and has become a pro at chewing and swallowing, so I moved him up to Stage 2 this week.  So far he has tried the stage 2 peas, sweet potatoes, and the apples & blueberry mixture for breakfast.  Stage 2 is just a little thicker and he was definitely ready for it.  He loves to chew, even when he's not eating anything.  If he sees Mommy or Daddy eating something, he just watches us and starts chewing.  It's so funny!  Oh and of course he LOVES drinking out of his sippy cup.  He loves drinks and thinks that every drink should be his drink.  Here he is trying to steal Nana's coffee:


Right now, we're working on teaching Ryder how to sit up by himself.  He's doing better and better every day.  He's still wobbly and can't be left sitting unattended, but he has started to use his stomach muscles to balance himself and sit up from a reclined position.  He rolls all around the floor using that technique to get to what he wants.  Sometimes when he's on his tummy he'll pull his knees up and then kick his legs out straight, that's how he scoots.  He usually only does that when he's sleeping or mad...and that's as far as we have gotten with crawling.  He's really sturdy on his feet and balances his weight well.  I let him stand up and hold onto his toybox, he likes to play with his cars like that, but I always sit right behind him for support. 


Ryder got sick for the first time 2 weeks ago, he came down with a little cold.  He still has some of the congestion, I took him back to the Doctor so she could listen to his chest and make sure it wasn't in his lungs.  She assured me that he was fine, he just has congestion in the back of his throat that he doesn't know how to get rid of.  He has no other symptoms and it really hasn't slowed him down one bit.  I have to admit though, all this flu talk has really started to make me nervous!  We've made the decision not to get Ryder the swine flu vaccination and are relying on prayer for us to stay healthy, or be able to fight anything that comes our way.  Preferably the first option!  We see the Kidney Doctor in a few weeks and are very anxious to see how that goes.  We still have some concerns stemming from all the blood work that was done a few weeks ago...but I'll save that for another update, when I actually know what's going on!  Oh, and, speaking of kidney's...

Kidney Walk

The Kidney Walk is 3 weeks away!  Team Ryder is growing and is doing such a good job raising money.  As of right now we have 25 team members and have raised $735!!  This puts us in 3rd place for raising the most money for the walk so far!  We're having team shirts made to wear the day of the walk, so if you want to walk but haven't signed up yet...get on it :-)  We're hoping to place the order by next Friday.  You can log on to to join or donate! 

Usually when I blog, it's about new things that have come up, and I forget to update as old things change and progress.  Needless to say, I'm glad I got all of that out.  So, that is what has been going on...aren't you glad you asked?!

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