Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bouncy Bouncy

Ryder’s new favorite thing to do is bounce in his jumper.  He will bounce and bounce and have so much fun.  His little legs are getting so strong, he can really get going fast.  Sometimes it looks like he might bounce his way right out of the top!  So today when we got home, he bounced…

And then he crashed!!

7months 064 7months 063

I can’t believe he can fall asleep in this thing!  I just let him sleep, I thought he’d be really upset when he woke up, but nope, he lifted his head, looked around for a second, and just kept on bouncing!


  1. Oh my goodness!! That last picture is priceless!! I couldn't tell you how many times bailey fell asleep in her bouncy seat, i thought it was so hilarious! He looks so cute :)

  2. lol, i love the video!! He wore himself out, didn't he! xoxo
