Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sick Boy on Sunday

Better late than never, right?!  Ryder came down with a little cold on Thursday night that pretty much carried through the weekend.  By Sunday he had finally gotten a good nights sleep and seemed to be feeling much better.  He hung out in his jammie’s for most of the day, but that afternoon we got dressed (in matching outfits, lol) and went over to check on Daddy & Uncle Gregg who were at Poppy’s house working on the Expo for Uncle Dwayne.  So, the weekend we were supposed to be spending away from each other, ended up being completely opposite…he clung to me all weekend.  Babies need their Momma’s when they’re not feeling well! 

Of course nothing can stop this child from playing!6months 1506months 1536months 154

I thought this was the cutest outfit ever!  Diana got him this :)

6months 161  6months 1736months 163 6months 169

Daddy & Uncle Gregg decided to take a break and work on Ryder’s car for a minute.  He got decals and a license plate!

6months 174 6months 178 6months 187


  1. Awww I LOVE the matching outfits :) And of course I think Ryder looks as handsome as ever, plus his outfit is adorable too ;)

  2. OMG Brandy! He looks so big standing up! Gosh, he has changed so much since the last time I saw you guys, which wasnt even that long ago lol!
