Sunday, October 25, 2009

An Eventful Weekend

We had lots going on this weekend, I’ll narrate with pictures!

Friday we spent some time outside, Ryder chewed the string on my hoodie, and I continued in my attempt to teach him “MAAAA MAAAA”…

7months 0787months 0847months 093

Friday night we met CJ, Angela, Carter, Steven & Jamie for dinner.  Carter was fascinated with the straw and his apple juice, and I was in awe over how big Ryder looked sitting in a highchair for the first time!

7months 0987months 101 

Saturday we met Grandpa & Aunt Megan for lunch for Megan’s birthday, and had a nice visit!  Please note, we started to use leave-in conditioner on his hair, so it actually looks semi under control!

7months 119 7months 1187months 120

Sunday Ryder dressed up and looked so handsome for Church!

7months 1307months 1277months 132   After Church we met Jessica & the girls at the Berry Farm to pick out a pumpkin.

7months 1377months 1407months 1357months 138And one really cool thing that started on Friday when I picked Ryder up from Aunt Vicki’s and continued all weekend is that…HE REACHED FOR ME!  I couldn’t believe it, I almost cried!  He practiced all weekend, on everyone he saw, and each person got so excited that he reached for them too!

7months 122 7months 110 7months 121


  1. Oh I remember how excited I was the first time Mikayla reached for me. :) And PS - I love his church outfit !!

  2. Is Alan trying to hide in these pictures of Ryder reaching? lol. Come on Alan, be a part of the blog! Ryder is getting SO big :( But is getting cuter and cuter with every picture I see. Ah, and his little church outfit is the CUTEST thing ever, LOVE it!!!

  3. Oh my gosh, I love that argyle sweater vest on him! He is such a model ;)
