Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Yesterday was Alan’s birthday, and guess what he got to do…take Ryder to the doctor!  Fun, huh?!  We were supposed to be leaving to spend the weekend in Georgia, but since this is the first time Ryder has ever been sick, we didn’t feel comfortable leaving.  We’re sad that we didn’t get to go, but baby comes first!  Here’s Alan opening his present from Ryder:

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And just because I love the bond that Alan & Ryder have, here are some cute pictures of Daddy teaching Ryder about the things he loves:

6months 016 6months 012 6months 014

Since Alan is a twin, yesterday was ALSO Uncle Gregg’s Birthday!  We didn’t get to see him so we left some presents on his bed.  Andddd…Nana’s Birthday was the day before!!  So, Happy Birthday to everyone in the Marsh Family (practically)…we’re having Birthday dinner next week so I’ll have pictures to post then :)

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