Saturday, October 10, 2009

Playing Makes Me Sleepy!

This morning Ryder figured out how to bounce in his jumper, every time he bounced music would begin to play.  He thought this was the neatest thing, so he bounced and bounced and bounced until he just couldn’t take it anymore.  He put his head down and started sucking on the seat and put himself right to sleep, standing up!  But every time the music stopped, he would bounce a little more to make the music start up again and then drift back off to sleep.  It was the cutest thing, and SO funny…see for yourself:


Daddy finally got him out and put him in a more comfortable bed.  (Ryder definitely got his Daddy’s hair…natural highlights and all!)


He woke up well rested, without a clue how he ever fell asleep.  What a cutie!



  1. Ahahahahaha!!! That was TOO CUTE! I probably would have died laughing if I had been there to witness it first hand.. that video needs to make its way to America's Funniest LOL
