Friday, June 18, 2010

We’re Famous!


Well no, not really!  But it felt really neat to see this email go out today from the National Kidney Foundation announcing us as the Honorary Family!

We are so honored to do this, as you all know, the NKF is very special to us! 

I set up our team page, so if you want to get a head start on joining the team, feel free!  And/Or if you want to make a donation…hey…go right ahead!  We are still 5 months away from the walk, so fair warning, I’m just getting started on the Team Ryder posts ;-)

Follow this link to get to the Team Ryder page, the “Honorary Family” link is on the left:

Just remember:

kidney collage 2


  1. I have never seen a cuter baby holding a can of kidney beans! :) Congrats on being the Honorary Family...what an awesome story you have to tell!

  2. Congrats! I think they made the right choice since Ryder is such an exceptional little guy! I clicked on the link and will be donating to this great cause that helped him as a baby!

  3. This made me tear up. Congrats! You deserve it.

  4. You are famous! And you got that way by being amazing parents with an amazing baby boy who overcame amazing obstacles while his Mommy showed amazing grace. So proud of you!
