Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ryder Got Mail!

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He was so surprised when we checked the mailbox today and there was a package in there for him!  What in the world could have possibly come in this box for Ryder…

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It’s a little mini version of his blankie from Sonya (our friend Nick’s mom)…the best package ever…see:

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It was like he couldn’t believe it!  Right when it came out of the package he said “Blaayyy!!” (translation: blankie)  He would sit up and look at it then lay down and say “night night” with the biggest grin!

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Thanks SO much Sonya!  Now Ryder has a mini blankie and I can actually let him take it with him places.  As you can see he’s already attached!


  1. Haha when I saw this blanket I just KNEW he would love it!!! I'm making sure Maddy gets one too, my favorite part was the soft part on the ends!!
    I know Sonya will definitely get a kick out of these pictures too =)

  2. Awe! That is so sweet! He looks so so so happy to have the mini version! : )

  3. So sweet! That blanket is lucky to get so many Ryder cuddles. Sometimes I wish I were Bradley's blanket but then he throws it on the floor and jumps on it! Nevermind!

  4. I need a mini version of Carter's Blanket!! Maybe I'll cut one of them, he does have two! lol! Nicks Mom is so good, that blanket is precious!

  5. Thats awesome!!! I remember I was the same way when I was young.. wouldn't go anywhere without my favorite blanket.. lucky for you, you have someone that was able to MAKE you a mini, travel version :)
