Saturday, June 5, 2010

That’s Some Good Stuff

Ryder had a pretty rigorous therapy schedule this week, 3 days in a row was a little intense, so both of us decided to indulge in some comfort foods!

The first day we shared a chocolate milkshake and french fries:

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I know, it’s shocking that I finally gave him chocolate, but I wanted to treat him to something extra special for being such a trooper during his first week with all of this therapy!  I’m not surprised at all that he liked it because this was definitely my major craving while I was pregnant with him.  Then the diabetes put a stop to that, but as soon as I had him, I went on a 2 week binge of chocolate shakes & fries while he was in the NICU.  It’s about the only thing I remember eating.  It was sweet for us to be able to share this special treat a year later!

The next day it was onto another favorite of ours…Cracker Barrel french toast!  YUM!

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It is a lot of driving, so I’m pretty sure that stopping for food is going to become a tradition on the days we go to therapy.  I really enjoy this quality time together because the rest of the day is spent in the car, at therapy, and then I have to get to work…so this little food stop is our only real one on one time.  Hopefully I can find some healthier things to eat in the weeks to come, but like I said, this week we both needed some good comfort food.

And let me tell you, it was some goooooood stuff!


  1. A chocolate shake and fries can make any day better! I think he deserves on AT LEAST once a week! :)

  2. Everyone is up blogging tonight! Oh no, you have started something, thats all Bradley wants when we go out. Chocolate milkshake and french fries are his comfort food too. Mine is just the shake! We must of had very similar prgnancies, haha!
