Thursday, June 24, 2010

15 Month Dr. Appt

Today, Ryder had his 15 month check-up and had to get 2 shots.  He handled the shots pretty well, I decided to hold off on getting the Dtap shot until next month so that he could get that one by itself.  The whole vaccine mystery really bothers me, so I try to space his shots out when I can so that he’s never getting more than two at a time.  Not sure that I even have a logical explanation for doing this, but it makes me feel better, so…that’s that!

I had to fill out the Questionnaire about all the things your 15 month old “should” be doing.  For the second time now, I was able to check YES to almost all of the questions in every category besides Gross Motor.  The Gross Motor skills category went a little something like this: No, No, No, No, No, and….No.  I mean, are kids his age really climbing up onto chairs to get to something out of their reach?  And walking a few steps, squatting down to pick something up, then walking a few more steps?!  I guess so.  But, we’ll get there too!  Eventually!

I feel like we always leave these appointments with some random “we have to look more into this” news.  Ryder weighed 19 lbs 10 oz which kept him in the 3rd percentile for weight.  But when we looked at his height his Dr. was a little concerned.  He normally stays right around the 35th percentile, but he has not grown at all over his last 3 visits, making him drop down to the 10th percentile.  So…guess what that means…more blood work!  I have to take him to check his Platelet levels again anyway, so she’s going to have them check his Human Growth Hormone at the same time.  I might get the slip and go tomorrow after therapy so that I can just get it done and over with.  Please pray for good news, that everything comes back normal and that these end up just being little speed bumps and not huge hurdles for us to climb over.

Ryder said “Doctor” and “Sandra” (his favorite nurse!) while we were there, and kept crawling around the floor trying to feed me imaginary food that he was calling “Din-Din”.  Gotta love this boy!

15 Months 038

15 Months 039  (Some din-din for you too!)


  1. I love his hair I wish my boys could grow takes forever for them to!!! On the shot thing I am right there with u..My other two kids never got more then two at a time and with the baby he has only had one shot..Untill we knew what was up me and my husband just didnt feel at peace about it.We just talked last night about what should we do now.We know God is not a God of fear and He will give us peace in what we should do..Shots scare me a lil more when it comes to C

  2. I will say a prayer and I saw my frind Kristin in Walmart this morning and she is your biggest fan I told you before. She said a prayer for Ryders blood work too. Im hoping its just a delay and he will have a great big growth spurt! He's tough as nails that little one no matter what percentile he's in!
