Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Daddy

My Daddy loves me so much, I can tell by the way he looks at me, and he tells me that I’m his heart. 

DSCF028610 Months 273

5 Months 047

My Daddy makes me laugh all the time.  He tickles me and throws me high in the air.

5months 30412 months 012

My Daddy knows all the fun things to do!  We play cars together, throw balls back and forth, and he lets me drive his big truck and his motorcycle!

1st Birthday 0398Months 055

6months 016

My Daddy explains things to me.  He can fix anything and he puts all my toys together.  He always tells me what he’s doing so that one day I can do it too!

13 Months 05712 months 022

My Daddy is big & strong!  He plays rough with me and teaches me how to be a man.  He makes sure that Mommy doesn’t baby me too much so that I can learn to be tough.

10 Months 25412 months 076

14 Months 201

My Daddy protects me, he worries about me, and always checks to make sure I’m okay.

DSCF02618Months 138

9 Months 006

When Mommy prays with me, she thanks God for my Daddy.  She says he’s the best and I think she’s right!

1st Birthday 2058Months 067

10 Months 121

My Daddy is my best friend and my Mommy’s hero, I don’t know what we’d ever do without him.

8Months 07810 Months 339

Happy Father’s Day Alan ~ Today we want to celebrate YOU for all that you are and all that you do for this family!  You are an amazing Dad!

        11 months 087 7months 124


  1. Such sweet words and exactly how Ryder feels about his Daddy! I love all the pictures of course! Happy Fathers Day Alan!

  2. What a sweet post!! Happy Fathers Day Alan!

  3. Super sweet Brandy. Amen, to all the good Daddy's. Happy Fathers Day Alan!!

  4. I love this post! Its so sweet :) Happy Father's Day Alan!

  5. I LOVE this post Brandy! So sweet!! :) Hope your hubs had a Happy Father's Day!
