Monday, November 30, 2009

Stupid Surgery…

Okay, stupid title, I know the surgery isn’t stupid, but I just hate that Ryder has to go through it.  On the eve of his surgery, Ryder has no clue what is going on.  He thoroughly enjoyed this teething biscuit, making a mess from his nose to his knuckles!

8Months 0938Months 096 

Then he took a bath and got all cleaned up.

 8Months 101 8Months 105

Then he got all cozy in his pajamas, and spent some time with Mommy & Daddy in his bedroom learning how to crawl! 

Now he’s fast asleep, totally oblivious to what he has to face tomorrow.

I, on the other hand, can’t get it out of my mind.  My stomach is in knots and every part of me wishes I could just take this away from him and not make him have to go through these kinds of things. 

During his first surgery, I remember being so worried about the outcome…all I wanted to hear was that he was going to be okay and could finally come home from the hospital.  This time is so different.  The outcome seems so far away, now I’m worrying about everything leading up to that.  I’m worried about him not being able to eat all day, I never want him to have to be hungry!  I’m worried about the second that they have to take him from my arms, that he’ll look at me with fear in his eyes, I never want him to feel alone or scared.  I’m worried about the anesthesia, and the surgery, the recovery, and yeah, I guess I am worried about the outcome.  I hope they can fix whatever is wrong while they are in there, and that this surgery doesn’t lead to another, and also that his kidney function has gotten better and not worse.  **Deep Breath** and then I remind myself that we have a God that is in control, He knows the outcome already, He loves us and He loves Ryder even more than we do!  So that puts a peace back into my heart, it helps me to regain my strength, and gives me the ability to tell Ryder, and myself, that everything is going to be okay.


  1. Aww He will be okay :) you guys will be in our prayers tomorrow-you always are though!! Good luck & I'll call you in the morning..xoxo

  2. I will keep you in my prays throughout the day!

  3. You made me cry :( Everything will be just fine today and from now on :) Let me know how everything goes! Love you guys!

  4. Praying everything turns out just fine, I know it will!! =)

  5. That little man couldn't have more love in his life! I know he has tons of prayers coming his way right now! I'm so sorry you have to go through this Brandy, but Ryder will come out better and stronger than ever!

  6. Can't wait to get an update on cutie..

  7. Okay, I just read this and the surgery went GREAT! and I'm SOO happy it did! now i want to comment on the video. :) OMG, that is SOO cute! I've never seen a baby trying to crawl before! He wants to so bad, and he's ALMOST there.. ugh, that made my day. LOVE!
