Thursday, November 26, 2009

So Thankful

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.”                                                                    ~Psalm 100:4-5~

My God, My Savior, He is amazing, He has blessed me, He protects me, He comforts me, He is with me always.

My Husband, I love him so much, and he loves me back, I am thankful for the relationship that we have and for the person that he is.

My son, he is my joy and my motivation, his smile and laugh brighten my heart, I thank God for him each and every day.

My family, all of them, I am thankful for their support, for their unconditional love, and for their presence.

We are healthy, we are alive, we are fortunate, we have great friends, we are able to work and make a living, we have love in our hearts, and we are loved in return.

Today and always, I am thankful, for the things listed above, and for so much more…