Thursday, November 19, 2009

8 Months Old!!

8Months 035a8Months 0238Months 019a   8Months 027 

I think this month went by faster than all of them!  I’m not sure why, but it really feels like I just wrote a 7 month post.  But, here we are a whole month later…let me tell you what’s going on this month:

  • Ryder weighs almost 17 pounds now!  He’s finally getting meat on his bones.
  • He still fits some 3-6 month clothes and has moved up to 6-9 months.  He’s wearing a size 3 diaper now.
  • He eats 3 meals a day now: Yogurt, Fruit, or Oatmeal for Breakfast, a vegetable for lunch, a meat/vegetable or pasta/vegetable combo for dinner.  Plus he has four 6oz bottles in between.
  • He has tried all of the Stage 2 baby foods, loves to drink juice out of his sippy cup, and has become a pro at picking up Puffs and putting them in his mouth. 
  • He still puts everything in his mouth, toys, blankets, fingers, toes, it doesn’t matter, he just loves to chew on things.
  • His absolute favorite thing to do is BOUNCE!  He loves bouncing in his jumper, but now he wants to bounce even when he’s not in it!  He’s going to have some strong legs!
  • He rolls to get wherever he needs to go, there’s no point in even putting him on a blanket anymore!  When he’s on his tummy he pulls his knees up and has started rocking.  He’s inching his way along, like a snail, slowly but surely!
  • He’s so giggly, and has the cutest laugh!  You can look right at him and tell he’s a very silly boy. 

Probably the biggest change I’ve noticed about Ryder this month is that he really wants to be a big boy!  When I’m feeding him, he tries to take the spoon out of my hand so he can do it himself (such a mess!), sometimes during the day he will refuse his milk from the bottle but as soon as Aunt Vicki puts it in a sippy cup he drinks the whole thing!  He doesn’t want his puffs handed to him one by one anymore, he wants 3 or 4 poured onto his tray so that he can pick them up and do it himself.  And he absolutely does not want to be held like a baby anymore!  It’s so sad, but if I try to hold him in the cradle position, he squirms and grunts and tries to sit up, making the point that he is NOT a baby anymore so I better not hold him like one… :*(  Little does he know, he IS still a baby, he’s MY baby, and I think I’m always going to feel like that! 

8Months 032a


  1. I LOVE that first picture of him :) you should frame it, its adorable! & where did he get those lips, lol! I just want to squeeze him haha! xoxo

  2. I can't believe its been 8 months already! I need to see him more. I wish we lived next door to each other! I think of you guys everyday, and I love yall so so much!! *Muah!*
