Thursday, April 1, 2010

This Is The Day…

One year ago today, the Dr’s told us “This is the day!!” we could finally bring Ryder home from the hospital!  First thought: Is this an April Fool’s Day joke??  Second thought: No way, that would be too cruel!  Final thought: This is one of the happiest days of my life!!!  Finally, I was going to get to hold my baby without wires attached to him and be his caretaker instead of watching the Nurses fulfill his needs…I was ready for it…ALL of it…the diapers, the feedings, staying up all night, holding him, the closeness, the bond.  I so desperately wanted to bond with my son!

We got to dress him for the very first time:DSCF0332And bring him home to see his room:DSCF0314

And carry him, and cuddle him, and watch him sleep…DSCF0345

It was the best feeling ever to have our baby home, one that we had only daydreamed about as we would watch him over the Webcam above his bed in the NICU.20090325_08-40-28

Now, a year later, things are quite a bit different around here!  Today, Daddy informed me that it’s time to get rid of this “baby looking” room and turn it into a “little boy” room.  ALREADY?!?!

And instead of cuddling and bonding in this house that we couldn’t wait to get him home to…he was on a mission to escape!

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Why??  Because he wanted to go Bird Watching!!12 months 082 12 months 075 12 months 081

There is never a dull moment with him!  He has filled this home with wonderful memories from each day of this year he has been in it.  And that is no joke! :-)

Happy April Fool’s Brought Ryder Home Day!


  1. I TOTALLY remember this day! And what a happy day it was :)

  2. Happy "Brought Ryder Home Day"!!! I remember like it was yesterday! Gosh, time sure does fly!

  3. Awe. Look how much can come out of a year. It has been a pleasure reading Ryders journey. What a strong, amazing, smart little boy. : )

  4. Why do you always make me cry?? Always!!

  5. Love his little bulldog shirt and those cheeks are just so darn cute! Its amazing what a year can do and definately makes you count your blessings! Have a Happy Easter Weekend!
