Wednesday, April 21, 2010

One Word Wednesday


13 Months

Don’t worry I won’t leave you hanging with just one word (as long as you’ll forgive me for making a lie out of my title).

Ryder broke out in this horrible rash, so I took him to the dr. yesterday afternoon.  Thankfully it’s not bacterial or fungal, she said it’s some sort of irritation, mixed with his eczema.  I’m not sure what caused his skin to get so irritated, if I had to guess it would be A) putting him in all his new clothes without washing them, or B) letting him sit and play in the grass.  We got a prescription for Hydrocortisone, and she said we could give him some Zyrtec.  The mixture worked great because this morning the rash looked a whole lot better.  I’ll keep treating it and hopefully it’ll be completely gone soon.

So, sorry for the “wordy” Wednesday post, but I figured I’d better explain :)


  1. Aw, poor thing...but I'm glad the medicine is working to clear it up!!

  2. Oh no poor little guy, hope it clears up soon!!

  3. Awww poor little man! I'm so glad that the medicine is helping to clear it up and that its nothing serious :)

  4. I'm glad the medicines are helping :) Bryce has broken out before like that and the doctor said it was eczema... they prescribed us the same thing and he was okay! I hope it works as well for Ryder as it did for Bryce!

  5. So glad the medicine is helping! Poor little guy!! It probably didn't even phase him though ;)
