Friday, April 30, 2010

Back to the Doctor

We went back to the Doctor today to get Ryder’s blood work done (can you believe it has been a month already?!).  Lucky for him…well…I guess it depends how you look at it, but he has an ear infection so we couldn’t do the blood work!  I asked the Dr. to check his ears before we took his blood because he has been tugging at his right ear a lot the past few days.  Sure enough, he has an ear infection, so it would be pointless to do the blood work because that would throw all of his levels off anyway.  That pushes us back to waiting 3 more weeks to get the blood work done to check his platelet levels.  On that note, I’ve really been stressing about these platelet levels, worrying that with them being high he could be at risk for another stroke.  So, I contacted the Neurologist yesterday and feel a little better after talking to them.  They said they won’t be concerned unless his levels are persistently in the 700’s and Ryder’s were right around 600 both times, and 450 is normal.  SO…even though they are elevated, lets just pray that they don’t reach the 700’s and there will be no real reason for concern!

I love going to Ryder’s Pediatrician’s office, they are all so sweet and they love Ryder, so of course I love them :)  I mostly love how they notice the little progressions that Ryder makes, it makes me feel so good to see that his Dr. actually notices and is proud to see him moving forward or doing something new.  For example, when she walked in the room Ryder was crawling on the ground and she immediately noticed that he was putting one arm in front of the other, instead of the pull & scoot move he always did before.  Even though he’s still crawling on his belly, it’s great to see the coordinated movements between arms & legs.  And when she walked in the room I said to Ryder “say Hi Doctor…” and he said “doctor” (in Ryder language but totally understandable) and she couldn’t believe it!  After visiting with us for a while, she said he’s saying really unique words that most 13 month olds wouldn’t be saying yet.  His therapist made the same comment today, so it made me feel good to hear something positive from both people in one day!

1 comment:

  1. Awww..that is so great to hear how well taken care of he is and all the great news on his progress! I hope his ear gets better soon and I will pray specifically for the good platelet level number!
