Monday, April 12, 2010

Off Day

You know how most of the time, things go according to plan…same routine, same schedule, nice & easy…and then every once in a while you have one of those day’s that is just “off”.  Well that was us today.  We had an off day.  Vicki took the day off so I set it up for a friend of ours to watch Ryder for the day since she stays home with her daughter.  Sounds simple enough, right?  Wrong!  Ryder was NOT happy about me leaving him.  I dropped him off at 6:45 and he was still crying at 8:30 when I finally decided to leave work and go back and get him.  He wanted his Mommy so bad, it was breaking my heart.  So that just set the tone for the day.  He did not want me to leave his sight for the rest of the day, I was allowed about a 2 foot radius actually, anything further than that was too far and he was screaming for me to come back!  Hello separation anxiety!  Hopefully this phase will pass soon.  He went through a stranger anxiety phase that only lasted about 2 weeks a few months back, so hopefully this one will go as fast as it came.

Speaking of separation anxiety, the past few weeks he has been having a fit when we bring him into the nursery at Church.  It’s horrible, I can hear him screaming during the sermon, he can’t calm himself down once he gets so worked up about us leaving him in there.  This is so out of character for Ryder too, if you’ve ever been around him you know that he doesn’t cry or fuss much.  I don’t know what to do to make it better…any suggestions?!

This evening, I finally decided to get him out of the house so he could switch his focus and stop living in fear that Mommy was going to abandon him again…so we headed to walmart.  Simple enough, right?  Wrong again!  As soon as we got there I realized he had a diaper blow-out.  Nice.  I won’t even go into the it-was-so-horrible-I-had-to-bring-poop-boy-inside-and-buy-him-a-new-outfit-details…just trust me, it was bad.

So, now I’m ready to turn the switch off on our off day.  Tomorrow is a new one, and something tells me it will be MUCH better than today!


  1. I'm sorry you had such an off day, but that poopy diaper story had me laughing. LOL - I've definitely been there before!! Hope today is better :)

  2. Don't you just LOVE a nice poopy diaper at the store?! LOL, what we go through as mommies I swear! Sorry you guys had an 'off' day, hopefully tomorrow's better! && the seperation anxiety part-hmmmm there wasn't really anything that seemed to help with that! It just takes time for them to realize that YOU ARE coming back ;) It will get better! I know its hard!!!

  3. Hope you are having a better day today! I hope you are right and he gets over his seperation anxiety soon. Bradley had it but everyone always told me he stopped like 2 minutes after I left. When Gavin was born he went through another stage but he is over it right after I leave. So I just tell the caregiver I am going to dart out and he will be over it in 2! Im so bad!
