Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Golf Cart

It is hilarious to me that one of Ryder’s very first real words he decided to say was “Golf Cart”!  That’s a story that I definitely think he’ll find funny when he gets older.  The obsession came into play when Uncle G was driving Poppy’s golf cart to/from his house to meet him for work in the mornings when his car was being fixed.  One evening, Daddy & Uncle G took Ryder for a ride…and the rest is history!  He loved it, and every evening after that he would point at the door and make “vroom vroom” noises until someone would take him for a ride.  It only took him a few days to realize it was called a Golf Cart, and that he could get his point across much faster by saying the actual name (which comes out of his mouth more than any other word…all day…every day!).

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Lucky for Ryder, Nanny & Pap-pap have one too, so I often get there on my lunch break or after work to find this:


Is it bad that we’re actually considering buying him his very own golf cart?!  


  1. LOL! Very Cute. I think he deserves his own golf cart. He can grow up and be comfortable driving which means you dont have to worry about him as much! One things for sure you are going to have a hard time saying NO to that cute face!

  2. haha, definitely get him his own golf cart!!! Just make sure it has seat belts... I threw Jennifer out of a golf cart one time and she still has the scars to prove it, LOL.
