Friday, July 31, 2009

When Did This Happen?

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When did my little tiny baby start looking this big and this old?  It just hit me yesterday when I got home from work.  Maybe it’s just because this is the first time he has ever wore a t-shirt (or anything that doesn’t snap at the bottom!).  But it can’t just be the outfit…when did he go from being so tiny in his car seat, to us having to move the straps up to the next level so that he would fit??

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And when did he start looking so big in his Daddy’s arms?

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He even looks so much older taking his medicine now:

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And look how much bigger he is on his changing table:

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And when in the world did he start holding his head up well enough to be allowed to play in a toy like this?!  Oh wait…that was TODAY!  Check this out:

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   It’s only a matter of time before you’ll see a post saying “remember when I had to put a box under his feet in his jumper because he couldn’t reach the floor??”big 041

I know, I need to come to terms with the fact that my baby is not going to be a baby forever.  All of these new stages in his life bring new and exciting things, but looking back I can’t help but ask myself “When Did This Happen?1”

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