Monday, July 6, 2009

Guess what just happened...

Ryder rolled over!!! Just now, and I watched him do it! I wish the video part on my camera was working so that I could have recorded it :( But, I did get snapshots of him in action, so here is the sequence:
Look at me lifting my head up! This is how it all started, I pushed up then started leaning and Mommy realized I was about to go for a spin!

So I twisted my head and tucked my arm under...

I kicked my leg and turned to the side....and then....

I did it!!! Yayyyy! I know, I couldn't believe it either, look how surprised I look!

What did you say? You want to see me do it again.....alriiiiiiight, here I go!

Get Ready...

Get Set...
Yayyyyyy, Did it again!!!! Okay I'm getting dizzy Mommy, please don't make me do it again!

Ryder Marsh is 3 1/2 months old right now and he just rolled over from his tummy to his back for the very first time! Wait until Daddy gets home from the gym, boy do we have a surprise for him.


  1. yah! that's so great!! -Mandi

  2. awwwww YAY Ryder :] before you know it, he will be crawling!! Look out world<3
