Monday, July 13, 2009

Laughter Fills the Air

Alan and I went on a camping trip this weekend that we have gone on for the past 5 years with our friends. As always, it was a good time, but this year was a lot different for me. All I could think about the whole time was the beautiful little boy that was waiting at home for me. I was so excited to finally get home and be back with him. The only thing that saved me from going crazy because of how much I missed him, was a video I took of him the night before we left. We were packing and Ryder was laying on the bed watching us when Daddy decided to take a break and play with him. Here is the result of that:

Everytime I found myself feeling sad from missing him, I would watch this video and of course it would make me laugh. This was the first time that he laughed, what a precious laugh it is. I hope that the sound of his laugh is a constant noise that fills the air in our home.

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