Sunday, July 19, 2009

He Moved Out

Ryder slept in his crib, in his own room, for the very first time last night. Of course, this was a hard move for me to make, but we both did surprisingly well! A huge thanks to Rachel for passing on her Angel Care Monitor - this thing really helps put a Mother's mind at ease. If there is no movement (it is sensitive enough to detect every breath) for 20 seconds, an alarm will go off alerting the Mommy to go check the Baby. I heard him making noises around 2:30 but I just laid there and listened and after less than a minute he had fallen back to sleep on his own. then at 5:30 he was ready to get up. So, 10pm - 5:30am...I'd say it was a success!

Waking up in his own bed, what a big boy!
Ahhhh, I have so much room in here!
As long as I have my fist, I'll be alright!

Ryder is 4 months old today!! I'll Post after his Dr. Appt tomorrow when I have his height & weight. Tomorrow brings shots and blood work :( Poor baby, pray that he handles it well!

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