Monday, July 20, 2009

Four Months Old!!

Another month has come and gone, and this one brings BIG changes! The most noticeable difference to me is that he no longer acts or looks like a newborn. He is now aware of his surroundings, is very interactive, and is growing like crazy! Here's our baby at 4 months old:
And lets see what this big boy is up to these days:
  • He weighs 11 pounds 11 ounces and is in the 3rd percentile for his age.
  • He is 24.5 inches long and is in the 35th percentile for his age.
  • He is sleeping in his crib in his very own room now! He sleeps for 7-8 hours at night, and has been able to put himself back to sleep if he wakes up in between.
  • He still gets rice in every bottle and has been eating about 4 ounces every 3 hours.
  • He still takes 2mL of Bactrum every day - it is a preventitive dose of antibiotic to avoid any kidney infections. He is also back on 1mL of Zantac for reflux.
  • The hair on the left side of his head continues to fall out, but the rest is growing longer and thicker!
  • He rolled from his tummy to his back 8 times one day, and has never done it since!
  • From his back he can roll onto his side but hasn't made the complete flip yet.
  • He is getting really good head control when sitting supported, and can lift it when he's on his tummy - but still hasn't figured out how to push his chest up with his hands.
  • He really enjoys laying on his back and hitting & kicking the toys on his activity gym.
  • He grasps his toys now, and has learned to bring them to his mouth.
  • He's completely content chewing his fist and drooling for hours!
  • He is down to only wanting his pacifier when he is so sleepy and ready for bed.
  • He smiles when people talk to him, and laughs when Daddy tickles him!
  • He is trying very hard to communicate, learning to make new sounds and use different tones all the time. Will he be a talker like Mommy? Or the quiet type like Daddy? We'll see!!!

At his 4 month Dr. Appt today, we were given the go ahead to start feeding him rice out of a bowl! She also said we could start fruits and vegetables whenever we're ready since his body is already used to the rice. They also gave us a list of things to work on with him since he's a little behind on development as a preemie. So, looks like we're going to be busy, which just means we'll have lots to write about!

1 comment:

  1. Aww...he looks SO big in his Bumbo seat :) I cant believe he's 4 months old already! XOXO!
