Saturday, May 23, 2009


Having a new baby around is such a learning experience. Everything seems to be trial and error. People said to me over and over "You'll just figure it out"...I had no clue what this meant until the day we brought Ryder home. And, ever since then, we have just kind of figured everything out! My latest struggle has been trying to get things done around the house. I just can't find the time, or the extra set of hands to get anything done. So yesterday, I really wanted to clean my kitchen. I put Ryder in his bassinet, gave him his pacifier and headed to the kitchen. I put one dish away, and he starts crying. I stop what I'm doing, go over, put his pacifier back in his mouth, and head back for dish number two. This went on for about 10 dishes when I realized there had to be an easier way. Sidenote: I know some of you are thinking "just let him cry!" My kitchen would not get clean any faster if I just let the baby sit there and cry, because I cannot focus when he's crying. I can multi-task in ANY other situation, but for some reason, I can't do a thing when that baby starts crying. Yes, eventually there will come a time when I will have to just let him cry, but that time is not now. Okay, moving on...there must be an easier way. LIGHTBULB: I remembered that I had received a Snugli as a gift at my baby shower. I took it out of the package, figured out how the thing worked, and put it to use. Here are the results:

My View Looking Down...I think we got this right baby

His view looking up...Ummm Mom, you still there?

Ahhh, sleeping baby, I love this thing!

Me + Ryder + Snugli = Clean Kitchen!!

What an amazing invention...I bet I know who came up with that! A mom who needed her hands back. As I walked around with Ryder attached to me in this Snugli, I realized what a flashback this was for both of us. It reminded me of when I was pregnant and I used to carry him around in front of me everywhere I went. Only this time was way better because I could look down and see that sweet face, instead of looking down with a million questions about this mystery man. By him falling asleep within 5 minutes of being in the Snugli, I realized that for him it brought him back to that close, safe comfort that he used to have in the womb where he could just listen to my heartbeat all day and get rocked to sleep by my movements. It was at this moment that I realized what a strong bond I will always have with my son, and that no matter what he will love me because I'm his mommy (even when I have to just let him cry!)

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