Monday, May 18, 2009

Ryder's Dedication

The Dedication of Ryder Joseph Marsh
May 17th, 2009

This was such a special day for us and for Ryder. Today we made a promise to our family, our Church, and most importantly to God, to raise Ryder in a Christian home and lead him to find Jesus. When the family and friends were asked to stand and join us in making that promise it was very overwhelming. I knew that the congregation was filled mostly with our family and very best friends, but the visual was breathtaking. To see that many people stand in support of us and to see the love that they have for Ryder in all of their faces...I just can't even put the feeling into words. Thank you, to all of you, you are so special to us and make us feel complete. Pastor Joe said this during the sermon today "Children learn what they live" and we believe that statement to be so true. I pray that we can show him a life filled with God's love and that one day he will find Jesus as his Lord and Savior. In this world, I don't know how anyone survives without Him.

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