Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Carter!!

Today is our best friends CJ & Angela's son Carter's FIRST Birthday! We celebrated his birthday with him on Sunday at his house. We missed all of the festivities because of Ryder's dedication, but we got there just in time to watch all the kids play together. Of course Ryder was too little to join in, but he had fun being passed around to all the adults, making all the other kids jealous! I'm sure it will be no time before they will be playing together and we won't even be able to tell the age difference since it's less than a year between all of them.
I know Angela can't believe that her baby boy is already one year old, is practically walking, and is speaking new words all the time. I'm watching him grow so fast, right before my eyes, and it's reminding me to cherish this time that I have with Ryder because it won't be like this for long!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARTER! We love you very much and are so proud of the big strong boy you have already become. ~ The Marsh's

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