Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Kidney Update!

Ryder saw his kidney doctor today and the appointment went so good. They tested 3 different levels in his blood that give them a clue as to how the kidneys are functioning and all 3 came back normal (yay!). Then they did a sonogram to look at both kidneys and his bladder. The Dr. said that both kidneys have grown over a centimeter since last month which he explained is great news because if the kidney had been damaged too bad and lost all function it would not be growing. The fluid that was surrounding the left kidney after it ruptured is completely gone now which means that the kidney absorbed and processed it (another sign that the kidney is functioning). The only thing we have to keep an eye on are some pockets of fluid that are left inside the kidney. I don't know when we'll get a definite answer as to how much function the left kidney has, but it's definitely doing something...which is such a blessing considering we thought he would only be living with one kidney. We go back in 2 months, so we'll see how everything is doing then!
Oh and he weighed 9 pounds 3 ounces today!! My boy is getting big! I don't have a picture to go along with the day, so I guess I'll have to post one we took of him this weekend. It's my favorite picture of him so far. This is what happens when Daddy gets him dressed and ready to go out:


  1. AWWWWW he is SOOO adorable :) && Im so happy to hear that everything is OK, hes a little soldier!!!! XOXO

  2. You have one of the cutest baby's I have ever seen and I'm glad to hear his appointment went well. I hope you don't mind that I check his blog sometimes when I'm checking my others but I just think he's beautiful!
