Wednesday, June 1, 2011


People have always said that Ryder is the spitting image of Alan – and I agree!  But lately I’ve been hearing a lot more often how much he has started to take after me.  I never really thought so until my Mother In Law insisted that I look at some old pictures and then I’d see it.  Sure enough, I totally see it now!


carters bday4

Poor Maisy just doesn’t stand a chance…this is the path that I’m afraid she’s on:


Yes, that’s my baby picture!  All 9 pounds 15.5 ounces of me! 

Ryder was a preemie like his Daddy, such a tiny little baby…I believe we’re going to be dealing with the complete other side of the spectrum this time around, and I can’t wait :)


  1. Aww, I agree...he definitely looks like you in that picture!!! Can't wait to see who Maisy looks like :)

  2. LOL! That's exactly what I looked like when my mom gave birth! (your baby picture!) that's so funny. But, I agree - Ryder looks A LOT like you! Those pictures are very similar, the smile and everything! This makes me want to go find some of my baby pictures now! lol

  3. Wow, it is crazy how much he really does look like you too!!! I need to go to my moms and find some of my old baby pictures lol.

  4. I can definitely see A LOT of you in Ryder, too!

  5. oh. my. gosh. I hope Maisy is a big chunky chunk 10 pounder! I can't wait to squeeze her!! You were so cute!

  6. HAHA that baby picture is hilarious! I was a big, chunky, almost 10 pounder baby too except I didn't have all that hair lol. I can see Maisy now... rolls, hair and all just like her mama had ;)

  7. You were so cute! Ryder does resemble you a lot. The eyes and even the teeth look the same when you both smile. Maisy is going to be beautiful like her momma no matter what size she is, but I am voting for chunky too!

  8. Aww.. I love your baby picture! It was on my frig for a good 2 years in middle school ;) All your kids are going to be beautiful, duuuuh.. <3
