Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bedtime Antics

Our normal bedtime routine is to get Ryder in his pajama’s, let him watch 2 episodes of Blue’s Clues that he chooses while he eats a snack which is normally either a bowl of blueberries, grapes, or watermelon, whichever he wants that night followed with a vitamin when he’s done.  By the time the 2nd episode ends it is dark outside, so we say goodnight to Blue’s Clue’s and follow Ryder to his room.  He jumps up on his big boy bed, he tells us what order to pile his blankets on, Mommy says prayers, Daddy says prayers, we turn his night light on, his humidifier on, his CD player on…and we’re out of there (as long as we remembered every step, because believe me, you’re not leaving until the exact routine is accomplished and Mr. Particular can rest).   99% of the time this is the end and we don’t hear another peep out of him until the morning when it’s time to get up.  But he has nights where he so obviously tries to drag bedtime out…lastnight was one of them.  It started during prayer time. 

Me: (as I’m finishing my prayer) is there anyone you need to pray for Ryder??


Me: Okay Ryder that’s enough

Ryder: UMMMMMMMMM…………I need to pray for YOU Mommy!

Sweet boy.  He does so well in his big boy bed, he hasn’t fallen out or gotten out, which were my two biggest fears.  I thought he would realize his newfound freedom and he’d be roaming his room and the house whenever he felt like it, but luckily he stays put.  We still have a monitor in his room and he knows that we can hear him so he just yells when he “needs” something.  And the bedtime antics continued last night:

Ryder: Mommy, come cover Ryder back up.  Mommy, come cover Ryder back up.  Mommy, come cover Ryder back up.  Mommy, come cover Ryder back up.

He seriously will repeat himself until you adhere to his request.  So I did.  5 minutes later…

Ryder: hahahahahahaha   (pause)  hahahahahaha  (pause)  hahahahahaha.  Momma, Come see what’s so funny!!

That made me laugh, but I didn’t go back in, I could almost here his wheels turning in his brain thinking up a new approach.

Ryder: waaaaaaaa  (pause)  waaaaaaa  (pause)  waaaaaa (keep in mind these are the fakest laughs and cries I have ever heard!) Momma, come see what’s da matta!!!

Still laughing…but still not budging!  This boy is a mess!  Then came his final request:

Ryder: Mommy I think Panda wants to sleep with Ryder!!!!!!!  MOMMMMYYYYYYYY – I THINK PANDA WANTS TO SLEEP WITH RYDER!!!!

I knew this was one of those requests that was not going to fade, he is very serious about his animals and their feelings, so I got Panda from Maisy’s room, brought her to Ryder, tucked her into the spot he told me to, with the blanket he told me to, and headed for the door.  Not without some final words from Ryder:

Ryder: Momma’s not coming back in here!

Me: That’s right Ryder, Mommy is NOT coming back in here!

The End. 


  1. That is soooo funny! I swear, these boys know what they can get away with! Bryce does the same thing, but tells me he "needs" a hug and of course I can't pass that up ;)

  2. LOl, he is definitely trying to get your atttention. Bradley has been that way but now it is specific things every night like his belly hurst and he is scared. Hope your nights are smoother but it is entertaining anyways!

  3. *grinsssss* Been here done this.... TWICE! jokes on you now! *singing*... "Let thennnnnnnm beeeeeeee littttttttle"... ... they grow up so fast...sighs Love you guys! Aunt B~
