Friday, June 3, 2011

36 Weeks!

Here’s what Alpha Mom says about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Is six pounds. SIX. POUNDS. You probably have clothes in your house that already fit a six-pound baby.
  • Is still not fully cooked yet, even though MOST babies born at this point will do just fine. But the lungs are better off with a couple more weeks of maturity.
  • The size of your baby will start displacing amniotic fluid over the final few weeks. As the fluid gets reabsorbed into your body, you may notice that your baby’s movements feel “different.” You might not feel as many kicks as you used to, or the sensations are just…well, “different.” It’s mostly because of the cramped quarters in there and less fluid.


  • Are not done yet. I am sorry.
  • Have gained 25 to 30 pounds, according to the books, which also say that it’s “not unusual” for your weight to remain unchanged between weekly OB appointments. Say it with me: SHUT UP, BOOKS.

I can’t even believe I’m 36 weeks pregnant already.  This has definitely flown by…and although at the moment I feel like I’m SO ready to be done, I know that in a few weeks when the time comes I’m going to wonder how in the world it’s over already.  These days I’m just feeling big.  I’m ready to lose this belly and be able to walk without getting out of breath again!

I had my 36 week doctor appointment today and got checked for the first time…not dilated at all yet!  I gained 1 more pound, so 22 pounds total so far.  My blood pressure is good and I still don’t have any swelling, so things are right on track.  My c-section has officially been moved back to June 24th and I’m on schedule for my last 2 appointments and my surgery with a new doctor.  I’m at peace with it though, I know that once she’s in my arms it won’t even matter to me how she got here.

The only picture I got of myself today was with Angela at her shower….more to come on that in the morning, I’m too tired to keep blogging.  But here’s a sneak peek:

AngelasShower (23)

3 more weeks…shew.


  1. How'd Angela's shower go today? Were the Goodies OH SO WONNERFUL? They were precious and definitely passed the RYDER's SEAL OF APPROVAL test! You two look cute in that pix, although it DOES look a bit like you two are grittin your teeth as if to say HOW MANY MORE WEEKS Are we gonna be like this???? Glad it's ya'll and NOT me! Now Bring on the babies for me to love! Aunt B is soooooooo ready for PINK LOVIES!

  2. What a great picture of you two!! 3 more weeks! That's so crazy to me :)

  3. Lovee the picture!! Im so glad we got to experience pregnancy together this time around and that we are each having girls at that :)
