Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Watch Him Go!

I have a very special video to share!!  Not only does it show Ryder standing up by himself, but it shows him walking, and if you listen to the music in the background you can see him singing & dancing along to the songs on his movie.  Wow, that was a total spoiler, but I’m just so excited I couldn’t keep it in…

I can’t believe that I’ve been witnessing him walking!  The past few days he has stood up and took a few steps here and there, just like that, and every time my heart beats so fast and I am just overcome with excitement…I don’t know if the shock will ever wear off.  At his last therapy evaluation they didn’t think he’d be walking until around the age of 2, so this is a HUGE milestone and is a great sign that all of this new therapy is really working!


  1. Go Ryder!! That's so great!! Watch out - he'll be running in no time! ;)

  2. Oh my gosh, I LOVE this video!! Way to go Ryder... you look like such a big boy walking :) :)

  3. WOW.. way to bring me to tears first thing in the morning!! This is amazing, despite what the therapists and doctors say, God has another plan for Ryder and knows he can accomplish all things and will continue to blow us all away. Ryder really is such a strong boy.. keep up the great work :) Love you guys!!

  4. YAY!!!!!!!! I agree with Mandi, he'll be running around gettin into trouble in NO TIME ;) haha! Way to go little buddy ♥

  5. So proud of that little guy! I am so glad he has once again proven you wrong Brandy! The walking is amazing but he makes me laugh with his dance moves too!

  6. I'm so proud of Ryder! Keep up the great work momma.

  7. OMG! I got a chance to watch it and I almost cried! He's such a big boy!!!!!!! I LOVE his dance moves too :) So freakin' sweet! Like Mandi and Angela said - he'll be running around in no time... and you won't even be able to catch him ;)

  8. so cute! I love when he's saying "man" when he falls down :) Such a great personality on that little man!!!

  9. Oh my word I can't believe how fast he's growing, he's doing SO well!! I need to see this little guys asap =)

  10. He is doing awesome!! He has really good control and can even stand with those legs far apart. He will have the hang of it in no time at all. What an over achiever!!!

  11. YAY!! He's doing amazing! :*) (I was sitting at my desk saying 'Yay' out loud every step he took lol) I love you guys!
