Thursday, August 19, 2010

17 Months Old!!

This month was such a big month for Ryder because he hit one of his major milestones: he took his first steps!!  Lets see what else the 17th month has brought about:

  • He finally reached 20 pounds!!  He’s still wearing 12 month clothes and size 4 diapers.
  • He got 3 more teeth this month!  1 is actually called a Bifid tooth…ever heard of it?  Probably not, because only Ryder gets these “special” situations, but basically it is 2 teeth that only have 1 root.  That brings him to a total of 9 teeth!
  • He knows his name and loves to say it.  If he sees himself in the mirror or in a picture he says “Ry-Duh” or if he’s scribbling on paper he says “Ry-Duh” as if he’s writing his name.  In the bathtub I use his letters to spell his name and as soon as I say “R” he says “Ryduh!”  Same with his numbers, as soon as I say “One” he says “Twoooo Treeee”
  • I weaned him off of the Zantac he has been taking for reflux, so far so good!  Finally he doesn’t have to take any medicine at all!
  • He’s starting to learn his colors, Green is his favorite.  He says Brown, Pink, Purple, and Orange too but not necessarily when something is that color, he just pretends.  And Red is not a color to him, that would be called Tomato.  So in Ryder’s language everything red is “maymee”.
  • When he told me that his blanket was “soft” I couldn’t believe that he is using descriptive words already.  And he gets it!  He tells me that Bubba is soft when he pets him, and he pets me too and says “mama, soft!”  When we walk outside he tells me if its “hot” or if the water in the bath isn’t warm enough he says “cold, brrrrr”.
  • He’s saying so many words, he basically has a word for everything.  He amazes me when we go to the store and as we go down the aisles he just starts naming stuff.  Some new words this month are: lady, guy, baby doll, chair, stool, itch, bug bite, wiggle, bear, clean up, and cook.  One word that he refuses to say is LOVE!  Go figure!
  • I still can’t believe that he’s learning how to walk!  He takes on average 4-5 steps each time that he gets up and does it pretty frequently throughout the day now.  He still crawls to get wherever he needs to go, but is realizing that sometimes its easier just to walk to get there! 

I can’t wait to see how much more progress he has made by next month!  Sorry I don’t have any 17 month pictures to share, but our boy is a little under the weather today :(  Apparently him & Mikayla must have been giving eachother too many kisses!  They both have fevers, raspy voices, swollen glands in their throats…and Doctor appointments in their near future!


  1. Happy 17 Months Ryder :) I can't believe you are more than half way to 2 now, boy does time fly! XO

  2. Yayyy!!! Ryder sure is a smart fella. must take after his momma.. and all the tough manly stuff is from his daddy of course ;-) Hope he's back to feeling better soon.. the world is a happier place when Ryder is all smiles <3

  3. Hope both of our babies are well soon.... Happy 17 months Ryder!!!

  4. Poor baby, I hope Ryder feels better soon too!!! Can't believe how many words he's saying now... I just loved hearing he and Mikayla talking and playing together. I can't wait until the day Maddy can chime in too ;-)

  5. HAPPY 17 MONTHS RYDER! I love watching you grow!!
