Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Our First Week at Home

It has been a whole week since we got to bring Ryder home from the hospital, time goes by so fast! The past week has been spent just really trying to get to know him. He's such a good baby, we feel so blessed to call him our son. He's sleeping pretty good at night, just waking up to eat which is usually about every 2-3 hours. He loves it when we let him sleep in bed with us, bad habit I know, but he's just so cute and cuddly! I love picking out his outfits every day and getting him dressed, and then giving him a bath and putting him in his PJ's at night. This is such a neat experience, we never could've been prepared for it, but are doing our best to learn as we go. I'd say we're catching on pretty quick...and by the way he looks at us, I think he thinks we're doing GREAT!
Here are some pictures from the week:
Nap time with Mommy & Daddy - his favorite pastime...

So cuddly in his pajamas

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