Sunday, April 19, 2009

One Month Old!!

I can't believe Ryder is 1 month old today, time is going by so fast. It's hard to remember what life was like just a month ago before he was born. It's such an incredible experience to watch him grow and learn new things as each day passes. Ryder's one month stats:
  • At 4 weeks old he weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces
  • He eats every 3 hours throughout the entire day & night
  • He can now make eye contact with us and looks in our direction when he hears our voice
  • He's noticing his toys and has started swatting at them
  • When he's on his tummy he can lift his head for a few seconds
  • He has a pretty tight grip and loves to grab a finger (or Mommy's hair) and squeeze
  • He had his 1st follow up appt with the kidney doctor, the left kidney has definitely regained some function. We will visit once a month and by 1 year old should know whether another surgery will be needed.

I know that these milestones will get a lot bigger, but just watching these small things take place reminds us of what an amazing creation the human life is. We all started out as little tiny infants and our parents watched our every move making note of the baby steps we took towards developing into who we are today. Too bad there weren't digital cameras because I'm sure our Mom's would've loved to have "photo shoots" like these that we have with Ryder every day!

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