Friday, April 24, 2009

Due Date

April is the day that we've been anxiously awaiting since my very first prenatal doctor appointment in September. The date has probably come out of my mouth 4 million times to answer the question "when are you due?", I have "Ryder's due date" written on every calendar I've come in contact with, my cell phone alarm even went off today just letting me know the day was finally here! Needless to say, the date is practically engraved in my brain...I'm sure anyone who has been pregnant can relate. So all day I have felt like something HUGE was supposed to happen. Lucky for us our huge event happened 5 weeks ago, Ryder decided to grace us with his presence. So nothing happened today, it ended up being a nice, relaxing day that I got to spend with my husband and our sweet baby boy. But hey, I'd much rather be doing this than rushing to the hospital in labor!! So Happy April 24th :)

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