Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bye-Bye Ba-Ba; Helloooo Pop-Tart

Ryder is officially off the bottle, he hasn’t had one in a full week!  He’s so easy, how did I get so lucky?  Every big change I anticipate so anxiously, thinking he’s going to have some horrible reaction, but every time I’m pleasantly surprised with how easily he transitions.  Our new nighttime routine consists of drinking his milk from a cup, on Mommy’s lap, while we watch Praise Baby together.  When the movie’s over, he knows it’s night-night time so I lay him down in his crib and he goes right to sleep.

13 Months 025  So today, Alan did the grocery shopping (have I told you lately how much I love my husband?!) so while we’re putting the groceries away, he looks at me with the most sincere face and says “Baby, can Ryder have a pop-tart for dinner?  I bought them especially for him!”  How can I say no to that?!  Even though it goes against everything I believe in, there was a very special moment tonight at dinner when Daddy & Ryder bonded over sharing their first pop-tart ever!

13 Months 022 13 Months 021 His all-time favorite food at the moment though is still a banana!  I’m going to have to start hiding them, because it doesn’t matter if it’s morning, noon, or night, if he catches a glimpse of a banana – he wants one NOW!  Lucky for me, watching him eat a banana ranks pretty high on the cutest-things-Ryder-does-that-make-Mommy’s-heart-melt list!

13 Months 01813 Months 019 13 Months 017


  1. I like pop tarts for dinner too. Who needs well balanced meals?? ;)

  2. what is it with kids and bananas!? I havent met one yet that doesnt like there nanas! get used to many more things Alan gets for him that arent on the mom approved list. The older he gets the bigger the know!

  3. I think I agree with you, watching him tear up a banana is pretty adorable ;) haha!!! I love his head bands! He's gonna start a new trend!

  4. SUCH a Daddy's boy! How cute!!!!
