Monday, April 19, 2010

13 Months!!

13 Months

1 year and 1 month old today!  I’m going to have a long list of what Ryder is up to this month, so I’ll just get right to it!

  • Ryder has moved up to size 12 month clothes which are very baggy on him but he got so many cute outfits for his Birthday, I had to put him in them!  And he’s in a size 4 diaper.
  • He eats 3 meals, 2 snacks, and one bed time bottle.  He’s a great eater, we haven’t found much that he doesn’t like.  His favorite foods right now are the Gerber’s little crunchies, grilled cheese sandwiches, and bananas!
  • He is still doing the army crawl and is pulling up to his knees and to stand ALL the time now!  He’s finally getting some strength in his legs and doesn’t seem as unstable. 
  • He has started talking so much over the past few weeks.  Some of the words he is saying are car, cracker, sit, ball, rock, golf cart, elmo, bye-bye, and night-night. He has the cutest little voice.
  • He has Occupational Therapy every Tuesday to help strengthen his left side.  His arm & leg continually get stronger but we have lots of work to do in hopes of a full recovery.
  • He has a horrible rash mix of eczema and rug-burn, we’re treating it with hydrocortisone and Aquaphor, but might be making a special trip to the Dr. if the break-out doesn’t clear up soon.
  • Still only 4 teeth!  2 on top and 2 on the bottom, I’m guessing more will be coming soon.
  • He still takes 2 naps during the day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, atleast an hour each.  He is in bed by 8 and sleeps until 6:30.
  • His favorite toys right now are his letter magnets on the fridge, his work bench, and Mommy’s cell phone (I apologize in advance if he accidentally calls you).
  • His most favorite thing to do is go for rides on the golf cart and anything that involves Daddy :)

I feel like I could keep going on and on.  Ryder is at such a fun age and he is all over the place doing all sorts of new things.  I like having a 1 yr old, its very entertaining!

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  2. omg so~ cute Jerri was right, could not have asked for a more beautiful grandson

    ~Auntie Mickey
